7 Modules

Sales Planning

Use this pack to help you determine how you could be building your sales up and what could be in your plan for growth.

Putting a number on what you want to achieve can feel hard so looking at through the lens of opportunities can make it easier to build up.

This pack will give some ideas as to where the opportunities could be for you to grow your sales and increase your turnover, see what could be available for you to do.

Fix your Mix

Time to start getting your promotional strategy ready!

This pack will take you through what you need to consider when you start to plan your promotions to support your sales and your cash flow in your product business.

Think about how these elements will work for you and you'll come up with some great ideas to make it work for your brand - all brands do this so make sure you do too!

SWOT Analysis

SWOT is a great way to to get to the important parts of your business and how to develop them.

It takes you through a process of what you can build on, finding the opportunities but also thinking about potential pitfalls that you can plan ahead for and mitigate some of the risk retail brings.

Use this pack to take you through how to build your SWOT and spend some time digging into what your business could do to support the growth you need.

Range Planning

Pricing for Profit

Optimise your Buy

Inventory Planning

Modules for this product 7
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